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dopus progress [name] [file] [info] [info2] [info3] [bar] [abort]
This opens a progress indicator centred on the Opus screen. It is similar
to the lister set newprogress command which you should use if you want
the indicator centred on a lister window instead.
name - allocates space for filename display
file - allocates space for file progress display
info - allocates space for information line 1
info2 - allocates space for information line 2
info3 - allocates space for information line 3
bar - allocates space for progress bar
abort - adds "Abort" gadget
Progress windows that show both the bar graph and the file progress will
have the graph and file displays swapped around. This means that instead of
the graph showing the percentage of files copied, and a 'xx%' display
showing the progress of that file, the graph shows the file progress and a
'xxx of yyy' display gives overall information.
A handle is returned in RESULT which you should use to control the
indicator with the commands below.
For example,
+ dopus progress name file info bar abort
> 137025148
The following commands are for use once your progress window is open.
dopus progress <handle> abort
handle is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.
This is similar to lister query abort command for lister-based progress
indicators. It returns 1 if the user has clicked the "Abort" gadget of the
indicator, and 0 otherwise.
For example,
+ dopus progress 137025148 abort
> 0
dopus progress <handle> off
handle is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.
This is similar to lister clear progress for lister-based indicators. It
closes the progress indicator window.
For example,
+ dopus progress 137025148 off
dopus progress <handle> name <filename>
handle is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.
If the progress bar was opened with the name parameter, this will set the
current filename to filename .
For example,
+ dopus progress 137025148 name 'myfile.txt'
dopus progress <handle> file <total> <count>
handle is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.
If the progress indicator was opened with the file but not the bar
parameter, this will set the total number of files and the number of the
current file. This is shown as 'xx%' in the top right of the requester.
If the progress indicator was opened with both the file and bar parameters,
this will set the total number of bytes and the current byte count. This is
shown in the bar graph part of the requester.
+ dopus progress 137025148 file 12 4
dopus progress <handle> <info|info2|info3> <text>
handle is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.
text is a text string to be displayed between the filename and the bar
graph of the progress indicator. You can only use this if you allocated
this space when you created the progress bar.
For example,
+ dopus progress 137025148 info "From 'T' to 'Ram:'"
dopus progress <handle> bar <total> <count>
handle is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.
If the progress indicator was opened with the bar but not the file
parameter, this will set the total number of bytes and the current byte
count . This is shown in the bar graph part of the requester.
If the progress indicator was opened with both the file and bar parameters,
this will set the total number of files and the the current file count .
This is shown as 'xxx of yyy' in the top right of the requester.
For example,
+ dopus progress 137025148 bar 1024 100
dopus progress <handle> title <text>
handle is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.
text is a text string to be displayed in the title bar of the progress
For example,
+ dopus progress 137025148 title 'Copying...'
See also:
lister set newprogress
lister set progress
Converted on 04 Nov 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.2 by Michael Ranner.